The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

The beautiful Sulphur Crested Cockatoo is a very affectionate and sociable parrot. This bird has the learning capacity of a 1 to 2-year-old human child and is considered one of the most intelligent parrots. They are excellent mimics and will love to have a chat, quickly learning certain words and phrases. Cockatoo’s like these ones love to spend their time in flocks, hanging out with each other.

The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo can be described as a snow-white bird with a sulphur-yellow crest. They have a dark black bill and a yellow wash under their wings. Males and females look very similar except for their eye colour. A male has a dark brown eye whilst the female has a red-brown. Growing up to 20 inches and weighing nearly two pounds they are considered one of the largest of the several species of these white cockatoos.

Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos are native to eastern Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and New Zealand. They love the long edges of tropical and subtropical rainforests but are also spotted amongst urban areas. Their lifespan is between 20 – 40 years in the wild but can live up to 80 years in captivity if cared for properly.

Up close these bird’s calls can be deafening. They can usually be found in large groups as while feeding, one or more members watch for danger from a nearby perch. When not feeing the birds will bite off smaller branches and leaves from trees to munch on, helping to keep their bill trimmed. Their diet consists of berries, nuts, seeds and roots.

The eggs of these cockatoos are laid in a suitable tree hollow where both parents will incubate their chicks. These chicks will then remain with their parents all year round and the family group will stay together indefinitely.

Come meet our Cockatoo’s and enjoy a chat with them at the Cairns ZOOM and Wildlife Dome.

The Crocs Have Arrived

Two massive crocodiles have been successfully delivered to Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas from Australia Zoo, in preparation for the official opening of CrocArena next month. Now in its final stages of construction, CrocArena will host an opening event on Friday 20th August. Wildlife Habitat Wildlife Manager Rabecca Lynch said

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